The content of the page has been updated in July 2019; however, except the list of publications, which is still as of 2010 (update forthcoming). In long term, fresher information about my research is likely to be obtained from the site of the SWOE group.
For contact and other info please visit my general homepage.
I was born Dec 1, 1967, in Prague, Czech Republic. I graduated in Information Science at the University of Economics, Prague, in 1991, and defended the PhD dissertation in Informatics at the University of Economics, Prague, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, in 1998. I became Associate Professor of Informatics at the same university, Dept. of Information and Knowledge Engineering, in 2007, and was appointed as Full Professor in Applied Informatics in June 2018.
A detailed (4-page) version of informal CV from Summer 2015 can be accessed here.
My research landscape is Knowledge Engineering in a broad sense, but with prime focus on its application on the Semantic Web.
In the recent years, I have been particularly interested in and published papers on the following topics (and their combinations): My additional (more marginal, or sometimes rather legacy) areas of interest include: In one sentence, most of my research work is devoted to the design and exploitation of knowledge models (typically, with the character of ontologies)
capturing high-level knowledge, while empirical analysis of large volumes of (structured, semi-structured or free text) data serves either as provider of support for such models or as their consumer.
Most of the topics above (and corresponding papers), as well as my involvement in projects listed below, somehow conform to this constellation.
Some of my (still relatively topical) interests and visions were summarised in a talk
at the 1st Roadmapping Workshop "Semantics 2029" in September 2008 in Vienna,
see the video.
The three "visionary" topics covered there are: cost/benefit models of semantic technologies; use of semantics to enhance KDD; overcoming style heterogeneity in ontologies.
My interests are also reflected in the organisation and PC participation of conferences and workshops, and in my Editorial Board membership (Associate Editor from 2020) in the Journal of Web Semantics.
I co-lead the
Semantic Web and Ontological Engineering (SWOE) research group at
my department,
also participate in the Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD) group,
and convene a weekly KEG research seminar (held since 2002).
I am also member of the organization committee of the Prague Computer Science seminar.
Important research projects and initiatives I am decently involved in at the moment are:
I am also, more marginally (or the project/activity itself is very lightweight), involved in the following:
Important past projects - EU-funded:
Important past (or sleeping) projects - other:
At University of Economics, Prague, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics,
specialty Applied Informatics (info in Czech) In addition, since end February 2011 I have been responsible for the whole specialty (between 60-90 PhD students) in the position of Program Guarantor, and since 2016 also as the Chair of the Program Board.
At University of Economics, Prague, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics At Charles University, Prague, 1st Faculty of Medicine, specialty Biomedical Informatics Forthcoming:
Past (selection - most recent, most important or with extra responsibility):
Papers can be roughly assigned to the following, largely intersecting, topics: I co-edited four Springer volumes (JSI10)
Labsky M., Svatek V., Nekvasil M.:
Multi-Paradigm and Multi-Lingual Information Extraction as Support for Medical Web Labelling Authorities.
Journal of Systems Integration, 2010, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 3–12. ISSN 1804-2724.
Full paper.
Labsky M., Svatek V., Nekvasil M., Rak D.:
The Ex Project: Web Information Extraction using Extraction Ontologies.
In: Berendt, B.; Mladenic, D.; de Gemmis, M.; Semeraro, G.; Spiliopoulou, M.; Stumme, G.; Svatek, V.; Zelezny, F. (Eds.):
Knowledge Discovery Enhanced with Semantic and Social Information. Springer, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 220, 2009.
Full paper.
Karkaletsis V., Stamatakis, K., Karampiperis, P., Labsky, M., Ruzicka, M., Svatek, V., Cabrera, E. A., Polla, M., Mayer, M. A., Villaroel Gonzales, D.:
Management of Medical Website Quality Labels via Web Mining.
In: Berka P., Rauch J., Zighed D.A. (eds.): Data Mining and Medical Knowledge Management: Cases and Applications.
IGI Global Inc., 2009.
Full paper.
Labsky M., Svatek V., Nekvasil M.:
Information Extraction Based on Extraction Ontologies: Design, Deployment and Evaluation.
In: Workshop on Ontology-Based Information Extraction Systems (OBIES-08) held within KI-08, Kaiserslautern, 23 September 2008.
Paper in CEUR proceedings
Kliegr T., Svatek V., Chandramouli K., Nemrava J., Izquierdo E.:
Wikipedia As the Premiere Source for Targeted Hypernym Discovery.
In: Wikis, Blogs, Bookmarking Tools - Mining the Web 2.0 (WBBTMine 08), Workshop at ECML PKDD 2008, 15 September 2008, Antwerp, Belgium.
Full paper.
Vacura M., Svatek V., Saathoff C., Franz T., Troncy R.:
Describing Low-Level Image Features Using The COMM Ontology.
In: First ICIP Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval 2008, October 12, 2008, San Diego, California, U.S.A.
Full paper.
Karkaletsis V., Karampiperis P., Stamatakis K., Labsky M., Ruzicka M., Svatek V., Mayer M.A., Leis A., Villarroel D.:
Automating Accreditation of Medical Web Content.
In: 5th Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems Conference (PAIS 2008), Greece. Incl. in Proc. ECAI'08, IOS Press, 2008.
Full paper.
Praks P., Svatek V., Cernohorsky J.:
Linear algebra for vision-based surveillance in heavy industry - convergence behavior case study.
In: IEEE CBMI 2008 - Sixth International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing. 18-20th June, 2008, Queen Mary, University of London, London, UK. pp. 346-352.
Full paper.
Nemrava J., Buitelaar P., Svatek V., Declerck T.:
Text Mining Support for Semantic Indexing and Analysis of A/V Streams
In: Proc. of OntoImage, Workshop at LREC 2008, Marrakech, Morocco, May 2008.
Full paper.
Kliegr T., Chandramouli K., Nemrava J., Svatek V., Izquierdo E.:
Combining Image Captions and Visual Analysis for Image Concept Classification.
In: The 9th Intl. Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining, held with ACM SIGKDD'08, Las Vegas, 2008.
Full paper.
Chandramouli K., Kliegr T., Nemrava J., Svatek V., Izquierdo E.:
Query Refinement and User Relevance Feedback for Contextualized Image Retrieval.
In: The 5th IET Visual Information Engineering 2008 Conference (VIE'08), China, 2008.
Full paper.
Nekvasil M., Svatek V., Labsky M.:
Transforming Existing Knowledge Models to Information Extraction Ontologies.
In: 11th International Conference (BIS'08), Innsbruck, May 5-7, 2008. Springer LNBIP 7.
Draft paper (final version available via SpringerLink).
Labsky M., Svatek V.:
Combining Multiple Sources of Evidence in Web Information Extraction.
In: 17th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS'08), Toronto, May 20-23, 2008. Springer LNCS 4994, pp. 471-476.
Draft paper (final version available via SpringerLink).
Rak D., Svatek V., Fidalgo M., Alm O.:
Detecting MeSH Keywords and Topics in the Context of Website Quality Assessment.
In: The 1st International Workshop on Describing Medical Web Resources (DRMed 2008), held in conjunction with the 21st International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics (MIE 2008), May 27, 2008, Goteborg, Sweden.
Full paper.
Nemrava J., Buitelaar P., Simou N., Sadlier D., Svatek V., Declerck T., Cobet A., Sikora T., O’Connor N., Tzouvaras V., Zeiner H., Petrak J.:
An Architecture for Mining Resources Complementary to Audio-Visual Streams.
In: Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition from Multimedia Content (KAMC) at SAMT 2007, Genova.
Full paper.
Stamatakis K., Metsis V., Karkaletsis V., Ruzicka M., Svatek V., Amigo Cabrera E., Polla E., Spyropoulos C.:
Content Collection for the Labelling of Health-related Web Content.
In: 11th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 07), 7-11 July 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Draft paper (final version available via SpringerLink).
Labsky M., Nekvasil M., Svatek V.:
Towards Web Information Extraction using Extraction Ontologies and (Indirectly) Domain Ontologies.
In: (Poster Paper) Int'l Conf. on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP'07), Whistler, BC, Canada, October 2007, ACM.
Full paper.
Labsky M., Svatek V., Nekvasil M., Rak D.:
The Ex Project: Web Information Extraction using Extraction Ontologies.
In: Proc. PriCKL'07, ECML/PKDD Workshop on Prior Conceptual Knowledge in Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery.
Warsaw, Poland, October 2007.
Full paper; and its extended version for post-proceedings.
Nemrava J., Buitelaar P., Svatek V., Declerck T.:
Event Alignment for Cross-Media Feature Extraction in the Football Domain.
In: Int'l Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS'07), Santorini, Greece, June 6-8, 2007.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Vacura M., Labsky M., ten Teije A.:
Modelling Web Service Composition for Deductive Web Mining.
Computing and Informatics, Vol. 26, 2007, 255-279.
Full paper.
Labsky M., Svatek V.:
On the Design and Exploitation of Presentation Ontologies for Information Extraction.
In: ESWC'06 Workhshop on Mastering the Gap: From Information Extraction to Semantic Representation, Budva, Montenegro, June, 2006.
Full paper.
Labsky M., Svatek V., Svab O., Praks P., Kratky M., Snasel V.:
Information Extraction from HTML Product Catalogues: from Source Code and Images to RDF.
In: 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'05), Compiegne 2005.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Vacura M.:
Automatic Composition of Web Analysis Tools: Simulation on Classification Templates.
In: First International Workshop on Representation and Analysis of Web Space (RAWS-05).
Full paper.
Kratky M., Andrt M., Svatek V.:
XML Query Support for Web Information Extraction: A Study on HTML Element Depth Distribution.
In: First International Workshop on Representation and Analysis of Web Space (RAWS-05).
Full paper.
Svatek V., ten Teije A., Vacura M.:
Web Service Composition for Deductive Web Mining: A Knowledge Modelling Approach.
In: Znalosti 2005, High Tatras 2005.
Full paper.
Labsky M., Praks P., Svatek V., Svab O.:
Multimedia information extraction from HTML product catalogues.
In: Workshop on Databases, Texts, Specifications and Objects (DATESO'05), Ostrava 2005.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Labsky M., Vacura M.:
Knowledge Modelling for Deductive Web Mining. In: 14th International Conference on
Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2004), Whittlebury Hall, Northamptonshire, UK.
Draft paper (final version available via SpringerLink).
Svatek V., Snasel V.: Formal Model of Meta-Information Acquisition from Information Resources.
In: Workshop on Information Technology - Applications and Theory (ITAT2004), High Tatras 2004.
Full paper.
Svab O., Labsky M., Svatek V.: RDF-Based Retrieval of Information Extracted from Web Product Catalogues.
In: SIGIR'04 Semantic Web Workshop, Sheffield.
Full paper.
Labsky M., Svatek V., Svab O.: Types and Roles of Ontologies in Web Information Extraction.
In: ECML/PKDD04 Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Ontologies, Pisa.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Berka P., Kavalec M., Kosek J., Vavra V.:
Discovering company descriptions on the web by multiway analysis.
In: New Trends in Intelligent Information Processing and
Web Mining (IIPWM'03), Zakopane 2003. Springer-Verlag, 'Advances in Soft Computing' series, 2003.
Full paper.
Labsky M., Svatek V.:
Ontology Merging in Context of Web Analysis.
In: Workshop on Databases, Texts, Specifications and Objects (DATESO'03), Ostrava 2003.
Full paper (zipped).
Svatek V., Kosek J., Labsky M., Braza J., Kavalec M., Vacura M., Vavra V., Snasel V.:
Rainbow - Multiway Semantic Analysis of Websites.
In: 2nd International DEXA Workshop on Web Semantics (WebS03), Prague 2003,
IEEE Computer Society Press.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Kosek J., Braza J., Kavalec M., Klemperer J., Berka P.:
Framework and Tools for Multiway Extraction of Web Metadata.
In: Information Systems Modelling, Roznov 2002.
Full paper.
Kavalec M., Svatek V.:
Information Extraction and Ontology Learning Guided by Web Directory.
In: ECAI Workshop on NLP and ML for Ontology engineering. Lyon, 2002.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Svab-Zamazal O., Vacura M.:
Adapting Ontologies to Content Patterns using Transformation Patterns.
In: WOP 2010 - Workshop on Ontology Patterns, at ISWC 2010.
Paper in CEUR proceedings.
Svab-Zamazal O., Svatek V., Iannone L.:
Pattern-Based Ontology Transformation Service Exploiting OPPL and OWL-API.
In: EKAW 2010 - Knowledge Engineering and Management by the Masses, Lisbon, 2010. Springer-Verlag.
Full paper.
Vacura M., Svatek V.:
Ontological Analysis of Human Relations for Semantically Consistent Transformations of FOAF Data.
In: KIELD 2010 - Workshop on Knowledge Injection into and Extraction from Linked Data, at EKAW 2010.
Paper in CEUR proceedings.
Vacura M., Svatek V.:
Ontology Based Tracking and Propagation of Provenance Metadata.
In: Networked Digital Technologies (NDT 2010), Prague, Springer-Verlag, 2010.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Svab-Zamazal O.:
Entity Naming in Semantic Web Ontologies: Design Patterns and Empirical Observations.
In: Znalosti 2010, 9th Czecho-Slovak Knowledge Engineering Conference, Jindrichuv Hradec 2010.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Kliegr T., Nemrava J., Ralbovsky M., Splichal J., Vejlupek T., Rocek V., Rauch J.:
Building and Integrating Competitive Intelligence Reports Using the Topic Map Technology.
In: Fifth International Conference on Topic Maps Research and Applications (TMRA 2009), Leipzig, Germany, November 2009.
Full paper.
Svab-Zamazal O., Scharffe F., Svatek V.:
Preliminary Results of Logical Ontology Pattern Detection using SPARQL and Lexical Heuristics .
In: WOP 2009 - Workshop on Ontology Patterns, at ISWC 2009.
Paper in CEUR proceedings.
Svatek V., Svab-Zamazal O., Presutti V.:
Ontology Naming Pattern Sauce for (Human and Computer) Gourmets.
In: WOP 2009 - Workshop on Ontology Patterns, at ISWC 2009.
Paper in CEUR proceedings.
Svab-Zamazal O., Svatek V., Scharffe F.:
Pattern-Based Ontology Transformation Service.
In: International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD 2009), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, October 2009.
Full paper.
Svab-Zamazal O., Svatek V.:
Empirical Knowledge Discovery over Ontology Matching Results.
In: IRMLeS 2009 - Workshop on Inductive Reasoning and Machine Learning on the Semantic Web, at ESWC 2009.
Paper in CEUR proceedings
Svab-Zamazal O., Svatek V.:
Towards Ontology Matching via Pattern-Based Detection of Semantic Structures in OWL Ontologies.
In: Znalosti 2009, 8th Czecho-Slovak Knowledge Engineering Conference, Brno 2009.
Full paper.
Zeman M., Ralbovsky M., Svatek V., Rauch J.:
Ontology-Driven Data Preparation for Association Mining.
In: Znalosti 2009, 8th Czecho-Slovak Knowledge Engineering Conference, Brno 2009.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Vacura M., Ralbovsky M., Svab-Zamazal O., Parsia B.:
OWL Support for (Some) Non-Deductive Scenarios of Ontology Usage
In: OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED 2008), Fifth International Workshop, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 26-27, 2008, co-located with ISWC 2008.
Full paper.
Kliegr T., Nemrava J., Svatek V., Rauch J., Nekvasil M., Ralbovsky M., Vejlupek T., Splichal J.:
Semantic Annotation and Linking of Competitive Intelligence Reports for Business Clusters.
In: First International Workshop on Ontology-supported Business Intelligence (OBI2008), co-located with ISWC2008.
Full paper.
Svab-Zamazal O., Svatek V., Meilicke C., Stuckenschmidt, H.:
Testing the impact of pattern-based ontology refactoring on ontology matching results.
In: Third International Workshop on Ontology Matching (OM-2008) collocated with ISWC-2008.
Full paper.
Svab-Zamazal O., Svatek V.:
Analysing Ontological Structures through Name Pattern Tracking.
In: EKAW 2008 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Springer LNCS.
Full paper.
Vacura M., Svatek V., Smrz P.:
A Pattern-based Framework for Representation of Uncertainty in Ontologies.
In: 11th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue. Brno, Czech Republic, September 8-12, 2008. Springer LNCS, to appear.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Svab O.: Towards Retrieving Scholarly Literature via Ontological Relationships.
In: Znalosti 2008, Bratislava, Slovakia, February 2008.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Svab O.: Tracking Name Patterns in OWL Ontologies.
In: International Workshop on Evaluation of Ontologies (EON-07) collocated with the 6th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-2007),
Busan, Korea.
Full paper.
Svab O., Svatek V.: In Vitro Study of Mapping Method Interactions in a Name Pattern Landscape.
In: International Workshop on Ontology Matching (OM-07) collocated with the 6th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-2007),
Busan, Korea.
Full paper.
Svab O., Svatek V., Stuckenschmidt H.: A Study in Empirical and ‘Casuistic’ Analysis of Ontology Mapping Results.
In: 4th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC-2007), Innsbruck 2007. Springer LNCS 4519.
Draft paper (final version available via SpringerLink).
Labsky M., Nekvasil M., Svatek V.:
Towards Web Information Extraction using Extraction Ontologies and (Indirectly) Domain Ontologies.
In: (Poster Paper) Int'l Conf. on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP'07), Whistler, BC, Canada, October 2007, ACM.
Full paper.
Svab O., Svatek V.: Ontology Mapping Enhanced using Bayesian Networks.
In: Znalosti 2007, Ostrava, TU Ostrava 2007.
Full paper.
Svab O., Svatek V.: Combining Ontology Mapping Methods Using Bayesian Networks.
In: International Workshop on Ontology Matching collocated with the 5th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-2006),
November 5, 2006: GA Center, Athens, Georgia, USA.
Full paper.
Labsky M., Svatek V.:
On the Design and Exploitation of Presentation Ontologies for Information Extraction.
In: ESWC'06 Workhshop on Mastering the Gap: From Information Extraction to Semantic Representation, Budva, Montenegro, June, 2006.
Full paper.
Kavalec M., Svatek V.:
A Study on Automated Relation Labelling in Ontology Learning.
In: P.Buitelaar, P. Cimiano, B. Magnini (eds.), Ontology Learning and Population, IOS Press, 2005.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Rauch J., Flek M.: Ontology-Based Explanation of Discovered Associations in the Domain of Social Reality.
In: ECML/PKDD05 Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Ontologies, Porto.
Full paper.
Nemrava J., Svatek V.:
Text mining tool for ontology engineering based on use of product taxonomy and web directory.
In: Workshop on Databases, Texts, Specifications and Objects (DATESO'05), Ostrava 2005.
Full paper.
Kavalec M., Svatek V.: Relation Labelling in Ontology Learning: Experiments with Semantically Tagged Corpus.
In: EKAW 2004 Workshop on the Application of Language and Semantic Technologies
to support Knowledge Management Processes, Whittlebury Hall, Northamptonshire, UK.
Full paper.
Svatek V.:
Design Patterns for Semantic Web Ontologies: Motivation and Discussion. In: 7th Conference on Business Information Systems, Pozna 2004.
Full paper.
Kavalec M., Maedche A., Svatek V.:
Discovery of Lexical Entries for Non-Taxonomic Relations in Ontology Learning.
In: SOFSEM – Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Springer LNCS 2932, 2004.
Draft paper (final version available via SpringerLink).
Labsky M., Svatek V.:
Ontology Merging in Context of Web Analysis.
In: Workshop on Databases, Texts, Specifications and Objects (DATESO'03), Ostrava 2003.
Full paper (zipped).
Kavalec M., Svatek V.:
Information Extraction and Ontology Learning Guided by Web Directory.
In: ECAI Workshop on NLP and ML for Ontology engineering. Lyon, 2002.
Full paper.
Kliegr T., Svatek V., Ralbovsky M., Simunek M.:
SEWEBAR-CMS: semantic analytical report authoring for data mining results.
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 2010.
Pre-final draft
Final version (Springerlink - Online First); appeared in print under Volume 37, Issue 3 (2011), Page 371-395.
Kliegr T., Svatek V., Simunek M., Stastny D., Hazucha A.:
XML Schema and Topic Map Ontology for Formalization of Background Knowledge in Data Mining.
In: IRMLeS 2010 - Workshop on Inductive Reasoning and Machine Learning on the Semantic Web, at ESWC 2010.
Paper in CEUR proceedings
Kliegr T., Ralbovsky M., Svatek V., Simunek M., Jirkovsky V., Nemrava J., Zemanek J.:
Semantic Analytical Reports: A Framework for Post-processing Data Mining Results.
In: 18th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2009), Prague. Springer, LNCS 5722.
Pre-final paper (final version available via SpringerLink).
Zeman M., Ralbovsky M., Svatek V., Rauch J.:
Ontology-Driven Data Preparation for Association Mining.
In: Znalosti 2009, 8th Czecho-Slovak Knowledge Engineering Conference, Brno 2009.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Vacura M., Ralbovsky M., Svab-Zamazal O., Parsia B.:
OWL Support for (Some) Non-Deductive Scenarios of Ontology Usage
In: OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED 2008), Fifth International Workshop, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 26-27, 2008, co-located with ISWC 2008.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Rauch J., Ralbovsky M.: Ontology-Enhanced Association Mining. In: Ackermann M. et al., eds., Semantics, Web, and Mining, Springer Verlag, LNCS 4289, 2006.
Draft paper (final version available via SpringerLink).
Svatek V., Rauch J., Flek M.: Ontology-Based Explanation of Discovered Associations in the Domain of Social Reality.
In: ECML/PKDD05 Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Ontologies, Porto.
Full paper.
Cespivova H., Rauch J., Svatek V., Kejkula M., Tomeckova M.: Roles of Medical Ontology in Association Mining CRISP-DM Cycle.
In: ECML/PKDD04 Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Ontologies, Pisa.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Riha A., Peleska J., Rauch J.:
Analysis of guideline compliance – a data mining approach.
In: Symposium on Computerized Guidelines and Protocols (CGP-04), Praha 2004. IOS Press.
Full paper.
Riha A., Svatek V., Nemec P., Zvarova J.: Medical guideline as prior knowledge in electronic healthcare record mining.
In: 3rd International Conference on Data Mining Methods and Databases for Engineering, Finance and Other Fields,
25-27 September 2002, Bologna, Italy. WIT Press 2002.
Full paper (zipped MS Word).
Lin V., Rauch J., Svatek V.:
Content-based Retrieval of Analytic Reports.
In: International Workshop on Rule Markup Languages for Business Rules on the Semantic Web.
Sardinia, 2002.
Full paper.
Belak V., Svatek V.:
Supporting Self-Organization in Politics by the Semantic Web Technologies.
In: E-Part 2010 - Electronic Government and Electronic Participation, Lausanne, 2010.
Full paper.
Nekvasil M., Svatek V., Novotny O.:
Critical Success Factors of Semantic Applications.
In: Znalosti 2010, 9th Czecho-Slovak Knowledge Engineering Conference, Jindrichuv Hradec 2010.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Kliegr T., Nemrava J., Ralbovsky M., Splichal J., Vejlupek T., Rocek V., Rauch J.:
Pattern-Based Ontology Transformation ServiceBuilding and Integrating Competitive Intelligence Reports Using the Topic Map Technology.
In: Fifth International Conference on Topic Maps Research and Applications (TMRA 2009), Leipzig, Germany, November 2009.
Full paper.
Nekvasil M., Svatek V.:
Towards Models for Judging the Maturity of Enterprises for Semantics.
In: Workshop Econom 2009; part of BIS 2009 International Workshops, Poznan, Poland, April 27-29, 2009, Revised Papers.
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 37.
Pre-final paper;
final version is available via SpringerLink
Labsky M., Svatek V., Nekvasil M.:
Information Extraction Based on Extraction Ontologies: Design, Deployment and Evaluation.
In: Workshop on Ontology-Based Information Extraction Systems (OBIES-08) held within KI-08, Kaiserslautern, 23 September 2008.
Paper in CEUR proceedings
Svab O., Labsky M., Svatek V.: RDF-Based Retrieval of Information Extracted from Web Product Catalogues.
In: SIGIR'04 Semantic Web Workshop, Sheffield.
Full paper.
Svab O., Svatek V., Kavalec M., Labsky M.:
Querying the RDF: Small Case Study in the Bicycle Sale Domain.
In: Workshop on Databases, Texts, Specifications and Objects (DATESO'04), Ostrava 2004.
Full paper.
Lin V., Rauch J., Svatek V.:
Content-based Retrieval of Analytic Reports.
In: International Workshop on Rule Markup Languages for Business Rules on the Semantic Web.
Sardinia, 2002.
Full paper.
Ruzicka M., Svatek V.:
Mark-up based analysis of narrative guidelines with the Stepper tool.
In: Symposium on Computerized Guidelines and Protocols (CGP-04), Praha 2004. IOS Press.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Riha A., Peleska J., Rauch J.:
Analysis of guideline compliance – a data mining approach.
In: Symposium on Computerized Guidelines and Protocols (CGP-04), Praha 2004. IOS Press.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Ruzicka M.:
Step-by-step formalisation of medical guideline content. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2003, 70, 2–3, 329–335.
Full paper.
Ruzicka M., Svatek V.:
An interactive approach to rule-based transformation of XML documents.
In: Datakon 2003, the annual database conference, Brno 2003, 277-288.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Ruzicka M.:
Step-by-step Mark-up of Medical Guideline Documents.
In: (Surjan G. et al., eds.) Health Data in the Information Society.
Proceedings of MIE2002, Budapest 2002. IOS Press, 591-595.
Full paper (zipped Postcript).
Riha A., Svatek V., Nemec P., Zvarova J.: Medical guideline as prior knowledge in electronic healthcare record mining.
In: 3rd International Conference on Data Mining Methods and Databases for Engineering, Finance and Other Fields,
25-27 September 2002, Bologna, Italy. WIT Press 2002.
Full paper (zipped MS Word).
Svatek V., Kroupa T., Ruzicka M.:
Guide-X - a Step-by-step, Markup-Based Approach to Guideline Formalisation.
In: First European Workshop on Computer-based Support for
Clinical Guidelines and Protocols, Leipzig 2000. IOS Press, 2001, 97-114.
Full paper.
Berka P., Las V., Svatek V.: NEST: re-engineering the compositional approach to rule-based inference.
Neural Network World, 2004, Vol. 14, No. 5, 367–379. ISSN 1210-0552.
Kavalec M., Svatek V., Strossa P.:
Web Directories as Training Data for Automated Metadata Extraction.
In: Semantic Web Mining, Workshop at ECML/PKDD-2001, Freiburg 2001.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Strossa P., Kavalec M.:
Analysis of text on WWW pages using important information indicators.
In: (M. Bielikova, ed.) DATAKON, Database Conference, Brno 2001, 359-362.
Svatek V., Riha A., Zika T., Zvarova J., Jirousek R., Zdrahal Z.:
Informal, Formal and Operational Modelling of Medical Guidelines.
In: Hruska T., Hashimoto M. (eds.): Knowledge-Based Software Engineering.
IOS Press 2000, 9-16.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Zvarova J., Jirousek R.:
A Two-Tiered Model of Medical Guideline. In: Hasman A., Blobel B., Dudeck
J., Engelbrecht R., Gell G., Prokosch H.-U. (eds.): Telematics in Health
Care - Medical Infobahn for Europe, MIE2000/GMDS2000 [CD-ROM]. Quintessenz
Verlag, Berlin 2000. ISSN: 1616-2463.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Kavalec M.:
Supporting Case Acquisition and Labelling in
the Context of Web Mining. In: (Zighed D., Komorowski J., Zytkow J.:)
Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery - PKDD2000.
LNAI 1910, Springer Verlag 2000, 626-631.
Full paper.
Svatek V., Berka P.: URL as starting point for WWW
document categorisation. In: (Mariani J., Harman D.:) RIAO'2000 -
Content-Based Multimedia Information Access, CID, Paris, 2000, 1693-1702.
Full paper.
Sramek D., Berka P., Kosek J., Svatek V.: Improving WWW Access - from
Single-Purpose Systems to Agent Architectures? In: (Cerri S., Dochev D., eds.) Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Application. Berlin : Springer Verlag,
2000, 167-178.
Full paper.
Berka P. - Sochorova M. - Svatek V. - Sramek D.: The VSEved System for
Intelligent WWW Metasearch. In: (Rudas I. J., Madarasz L.,
eds.:) INES'99 - IEEE Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Engineering Systems, Stara
Lesna 1999, 317-321.
Svatek V.: Learning from observational data with prior knowledge.
PhD dissertation, University of Economics, Prague, 1997.
Full text.
Svatek V.: Exploiting Value Hierarchies in Rule Learning.
In: ECML'97, 9th European Conference on Machine Learning. Poster Papers.
Ed.: Van Someren, M. - Widmer, G., Praha, VSE Praha 1997, 108-117.
Full paper.
Berka P., Svatek V., Marik V.:
Znalostni inzenyrstvi [Knowledge Engineering]. Chapter in book: Marik et al.:
Umela inteligence (2) [Artificial Intelligence]. Praha, Academia 1997, 102–141.
Svatek V.: Learning with Value Hierarchies in the ESOD framework.
In: AIT'96 - 3rd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence
Techniques. Ed.: ZIZKA, J., Brno, TU Brno 1996, 102-109.
Svatek V.: Integration of rules from expert and rules discovered in data.
In: Statistics, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Ed.:
Kodratoff, Y. - Nakhaeizadeh, G. - Taylor, C., Heraklion, FORTH 1995,
Topics of interest
Focused categorization power of web ontologies (FCatPoWO) - a three-year CSF (Czech Science Foundation) project, 2018-2020.
I am Principal Investigator of this project, which addresses the newly formulated problem of estimating the categorization power of an ontology
expressed as the number of binary options offered for categorization of objects already assigned to a more general focus class.
A pre-natal paper of this project is the (award-nominated) one from EKAW 2016, see its pre-print
(or the copyedited version at Springer).
(Page currently in Czech) National AI initiative (I am a fellow thereof), acting as partner to the Czech Government in its AI development strategy.
Long-haul initiative for transparent data infrastructure in the Czech Republic, with special focus on public administration data.
The leaders of the initiative are Martin Nečaský from Charles University and Dušan Chlapek from UEP, Dept. of Information Technology.
I occasional serve as technological expert and mediate research contacts to foreign institutes.
ODP portal -, maintained by STLab, Rome; I am member of its Quality Committee.
H2020 EU 645833 - Financial Transparency Platform for the Public Sector.
I was UEP's Participant Contact and Scientific Representative in this 2.5-year EU Horizon2020 project (2015-2017).
Our group focused on budget/spending data model design (WP1, as leader) and on data analytics (WP2).
: Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data.
I was UEP's Participant Contact and Scientific Representative in this 4-year EU FP7 Integrated project. Our group focused on the technology of Knowledge Repair and Enrichment and on the use case in Public Contracts Linked Data (leader of the respective use case workpackage WP9a).
: Television Linked to the Web.
I was UEP's Participant Contact in this 3.5-year EU FP7 Integrated project. (The Scientific Representative was Tomáš Kliegr.)
PetaMedia: P2P Tagged Media.
EU FP7 Network of Excellence; UEP was ad hoc partner w/o direct funding;
primarily co-operation with QMUL MMV Group on mining from text complementary to multimedia
(main contact at UEP was Tomáš Kliegr).
Automation of Ontology Pattern Detection and Exploitation - a three-year CSF (Czech Science Foundation) project, 2010-2012, successfully concluded; I was Principal Investigator of this project.
- Web Information Extraction using Extraction Ontologies (long-term software development project, originally as PhD project by M. Labský)
- informal long-term collaboration of the 'semantics' communities in Czech Republic and Slovakia, corroborated by a wiki page (for relevant information collection),
and occasional F2F meetings.
I gave the initial kick to this activity in early 2010; now it is in a limbo.
principles and architecture for rich association mining, project led by J.Rauch.
Supported by numerous international and local grants, now mainly by Czech Science Foundation (under no.201/08/0802, 2008-2012).
I focused on the Knowledge Modelling and Semantic Web aspects of the project.
OAEI - Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative;
I assisted Ondřej Šváb-Zamazal
in the organization of the `conference' track of OAEI,
using the OntoFarm collection.
PhD students:
Program committee of conferences and workshops:
ISWC 2019 - 18th International Semantic Web Conference (Resources Track Co-Chair)
IJCAI 2019 - 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
PKAW 2019 - The Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop
WOMoCoE 2019 - 4th International Workshop on Ontology Modularity, Contextuality, and Evolution
Data a znalosti & WIKT 2019 - 5th Annual Czecho-Slovak conference on data, information and knowledge engineering, collocated with Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge-Oriented Technologies (SC member)
Selected publications (as of end 2010, update forthcoming...):
Information Extraction & Retrieval from WWW & Multimedia
Ontology Engineering & Learning & Alignment
Knowledge Engineering aspects of Data Mining
Practical usability and business applications of Semantic Technologies
Computerised Medical Guidelines
Older publications (by 2001)
Vojtech Svatek , last update July 11, 2019