Personal profile

Name Prof. Ing. Jiří Voříšek, CSc.
Date of Birth July 13 1950
Nationality Czech
Marital status Married, two children 
1956 - 1965 primary school
1965 - 1968 Secondary School Arabská, Prague 6, specialisation cybernetics
1968 - 1973 The University of Economics Prague
Dipl.Ing.(Master), Major: Economics-mathematical Calculations
Master thesis: Mass Service Systems with Priorities
1983 - 1985 The University of Economics Prague,
The Free University of Amsterdam (Prof. Dr. A.S. Tanenbaum)Phd (CSc.),
Major: Management Information Systems
Doctoral thesis: The Incremental Layer Architecture of Software Systems
1991 The University of Economics Prague
Associate Professor (Doc.), branch Informatics
Habitation thesis: The Architecture of Information Systems
1998 The University of Economics Prague
Professor, branch Informatics
Study tours and university visits
1976 savings bank Zentralsparkasse in Vienna;
two months, member of software team
1983 Informatics Department of the Free University of Amsterdam
four months; temporary staff member
specialisation - architecture of software systems
1985 Informatics Department of the Moscow Mathematics-Statistical Institute
one month; oriented towards the methods of education of MIS
1992 The University of Antwerp
one month, Management Information Systems - finance and marketing aspects
2004 University of Technology Sydney, Information Technology Faculty, Software Engineering Dept.
four month, visiting professor – joint research in the field of Utility Computing
Work Experience (Job Positions)
1973 - 1987 The University of Economics Prague;
Department of Management Information Systems
senior lecturer, associate chair of the department (1985-1987)
1987-1990 Strojimport Inc
software development manager responsible for design and implementation of information system of the company
1990-now The Prague University of Economics;
Department of Information Technologieshead of the department
1992-now ITG, Ltd., Director
1973 - 1987 Prague University of Economics
Specialisation: programming languages, operating systems, a design and implementation of interactive systems;
an architecture of software systems, a management of software teams
1990 - now Prague University of Economics
Specialisation's: system integration, information strategy, outsourcing
2009 - now Paneuropean University, Slovakia