
Journal papers in English

DOLEZEL, Michal, & SMUTNY, Zdenek. (2023). Adoption of a COVID-19 Contact Tracing App by Czech Youth: Cross-Cultural Replication Study. JMIR Human Factors. 10:e45481. Link
[IF | AIS 2022: 2.700 | -] [SJR 2022: 0.802]

PREMANANDAN, Shweta, AHMAD, Awais, CAJANDER, Asa, AGERFALK, Pär, DOLEŽEL, Michal, GEMERT-PIJNEN, Lisette van (2023). Designing a Mobile e-Coaching App for Immigrant Informal Caregivers: Qualitative Study Using the Persuasive System Design Model. JMIR MHealth UHealth. 11:e50038. Link
[IF | AIS 2022: 5.000 | 1.304] [SJR 2022: 1.513]

DOLEŽEL, Michal, SMUTNÝ, Zdeněk. Usage of eHealth/mHealth Services among Young Czech Adults and the Impact of COVID-19: An Explorative Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health [online]. 2021, vol. 18, issue 13, 7147. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18137147. Available from link.
[IF | AIS 2019: 2.849 | 0.659] [SJR 2019: 0.739] [FORD-AIS-Q 2019: Q2 (10500, 30300)]

ŠIMŮNEK, Milan, SMUTNÝ, Zdeněk, DOLEŽEL, Michal. The Impact of the COVID-19 Movement Restrictions on the Road Traffic in the Czech Republic during the State of Emergency. Journal of Advanced Transportation [online]. 2021, vol. 2021, article id. 6622028. DOI: 10.1155/2021/6622028. Available from link.
[IF | AIS 2019: 1.670 | 0.396] [SJR 2019: 0.569] [FORD-AIS-Q 2019: Q2 (20100)]

DOLEŽEL, Michal, BUCHALCEVOVÁ, Alena. Test Governance Framework for contracted IS development: Ethnographically informed action research. Information and Software Technology [online]. 2015, vol. 65, p. 69–94. DOI: 10.1016/j.infsof.2015.03.003. Available from link and also self-archived in PDF.
[IF | AIS 2015: 1.569 | 0.583] [SJR 2015: 0.920] [FORD-AIS-Q 2015: Q2 (10200)]

Journal papers in Czech

DOLEŽEL, Michal. Kongres Fóra evropských pacientů (EPF 2021): Pacienti a technologie jako klíčoví hybatelé digitalizace zdravotnictví [European Patients' Forum Congress (EPF 2021): Patients and Technology as the Key Drivers of Digital Healthcare] (kongresové zpravodajství/congress report). Časopis lékařů českých [Journal of Czech Physicians]. 2021, vol. 160, no. 7–8, p. 329–331. eISSN 1805-4420. ISSN 0008-7335. Available from link and also self-archived in PDF.

DOLEŽEL, Michal. Četnost a potenciál využití digitálního zdravotního sebe-sledování (self-tracking) ve věkové skupině mladých dospělých [The Frequency and Potential of Digital Health Self-Tracking among Young Adults] (dopis/letter). Praktický lékař [General Practitioner]. 2021, vol. 101, no. 1, p. 50-53. Text in Czech. eISSN 1805-4544. Available from link and also self-archived in PDF.

JONÁK, Robin, SMUTNÝ, Zdeněk, ŠIMŮNEK, Milan, DOLEŽEL, Michal. Optimalizace trasy a dojezdových časů u zásilkových a obslužných služeb: Pohled praxe [Route and Travel Time Optimization for Delivery and Utility Services: An Industrial Viewpoint]. Acta Informatica Pragensia [online]. 2020, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 200-209. Text in Czech. eISSN 1805-4951. DOI: 10.18267/j.aip.133. Available from: link.

SMUTNÝ, Zdeněk, DOLEŽEL, Michal. Ustavení a historický vývoj informatiky a počítačových disciplín ve vybraných evropských zemích a v USA [The Emergence and Historical Development of Informatics and Computing Disciplines in Selected European Countries and the USA]. Acta Informatica Pragensia [online]. 2017, vol. 6, no. 2, p. 188–229. Text in Czech. eISSN 1805-4951. DOI: 10.18267/j.aip.109. Available from: link.

DOLEŽEL, Michal. Kudy k dinosaurům? O behaviorálním paradigmatu v podnikové informatice, paralelách k antropologii organizací a svazujících hranicích oborů [Which Way to the Dinosaurs? On Behavioral Paradigm in Business Informatics, Parallels to Organizational Anthropology, and restrictive Boundaries of Disciplines]. AntropoWebzin [online]. 2013, no. 4, p. 135–144. Text in Czech. ISSN 1801-8807. Available from: link.

Conference and workshop papers in English

DOLEŽEL, Michal, CAJANDER, Asa. Towards Mapping of Information Technology-Induced Alterations in Online Physicians’ Professional Identities: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Illustrations from Sweden. In: 18th Scandinavian Conference on Health informatics. Tromso, Norway, 22.-24.8.2022. Link

BUCHALCEVOVÁ, A., DOLEŽEL, Michal. Examining the usage of scaled agile methods in the Czech Republic. In: Information Systems Development (ISD 2021) . Valencia, Spain, 8.9.2021 – 10.9.2021. Link

DOLEŽEL, Michal. Defining TestOps: Collaborative Behaviors and Technology-driven Workflows Seen as Enablers of Effective Software Testing in DevOps. In: 3rd International Workshop on Autonomous Agile Teams (XP 2020). ON-LINE (originally planned to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark), 8.6.2020. Link

REMTA, D., DOLEŽEL, Michal, BUCHALCEVOVÁ, A. Exploring the Product Owner Role within SAFe Implementation in a Multinational Enterprise. In: 8th International Workshop on Large-Scale Agile Development (XP 2020). ON-LINE (originally planned to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark), 8.6.2020. Link

TRUDOVA, A., DOLEŽEL, Michal, BUCHALCEVOVÁ, A. Artificial Intelligence in Software Test Automation: A Systematic Literature Review. In: 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering. ON-LINE (originally planned to be held in Prague, Czech Republic), 5.5.2020-6.5.2020. Link

DOLEŽEL, Michal, BUCHALCEVOVÁ, A., MENČÍK, M.. The State of Agile Software Development in the Czech Republic: Preliminary Findings Indicate the Dominance of “Abridged” Scrum. In: International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise IS. Prague, Czech Republic, 16.12.2019-17.12.2019. Link

DOLEŽEL, Michal. Prevention-oriented ECG Teleconsulting That Involves Consumer Wearables: Exploration of Service Adoption Patterns and Institutional Impact In: International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare. Coimbra, Portugal, 4.11.2019-7.11.2019.

DOLEŽEL, Michal, SMUTNÝ Z. The Emergence of Computing Disciplines in Communist Czechoslovakia: What's in a (Sovietized) Name?. In: Histories of Computing in Eastern Europe - IFIP WG 9.7 Workshop. Poznan, Poland, 19.9.2018-21.9.2018. Link

DOLEŽEL, Michal. Possibilities of Applying Institutional Theory in the Study of Hybrid Software Development Concepts and Practices. In: International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (Third HELENA workshop). Wolfsburg, Germany, 28.11.2018-30.11.2018. Link

DOLEŽEL, Michal. 'We must ignore ePrescription': An empirical analysis of Czech physicians' attitudes against eHealth. In: IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (Healthcom). Ostrava, Czech Republic, 17.9.2018-20.9.2018. Link

DOLEŽEL, Michal, KROPPOVÁ, J. Are We Excellent Yet? Perceptions of Software ‘Test Centre of Excellence’ within a Financial Institution. In: Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA). Prague, Czech Republic, 29.8.2018-31.8.2018. Link

SMUTNÝ, Z., DOLEŽEL, Michal. From Soviet Cybernetics to Western-oriented Design Science: A Business Informatics Community in Transition. In: 17th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies (ECRM). Rome, Italy, 12.7.2018-13.7.2018.

DOLEŽEL, Michal, FELDERER, M. Organizational patterns between developers and testers: Investigating Testers’ Autonomy and Role Identity. In: International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS). Funchal, Portugal, 21.3.2018-24.3.2018.

DOLEŽEL, Michal. Images of Enterprise Test Organizations: Factory, Center of Excellence, or Community? In: Software Quality. Complexity and Challenges of Software Engineering in Emerging Technologies (SWQD). Vienna, 12.11.2016. Berlin : Springer International Publishing, 2017, p. 105–116. ISBN 978-3-319-49420-3. ISSN 1865-1348. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-49421-0_8. PDF

KECKEIS, J., DOLEŽEL, Michal, FELDERER, M. Towards a Concept for Enterprise Systems Landscape Testing. In: Multidimensional Views on Enterprise Information Systems (ERP Future). Dornbirn, 17.11.2014 – 18.11.2014. Switzerland : Springer International Publishing, 2016, p. 133–146. ISBN 978-3-319-27041-8. ISSN 2195-4968. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-27043-2_11.

DOLEŽEL, Michal. Towards Elimination of Testing Debt in Outsourced IS Development Projects: A View from the Client Side. In: Information Systems Development (ISD) [online]. Sevilla, 02.09.2013 – 04.09.2013. Švýcarsko : SpringerLink, 2014, p. 135–146. ISBN 978-3-319-07215-9. Available from:

DOLEŽEL, Michal. An Initial Proposal for a Test Governance Framework in Business Organizations. In: Information Technology Human Values, Innovation and Economy (IDIMT). Prague, 11.09.2013 – 13.09.2013. Linz : Trauner Verlag, 2013, p. 233–240. ISBN 978-3-99033-083-8.

Conference papers in Czech

DOLEŽEL, Michal. Ukradený management: reflexe rozporů ve vnímání podstaty manažerského výzkumu očima doktoranda [Stolen management: contradicting views on management research and a PhD student's reflection]. In: PHD EXISTENCE 2014 Česko-slovenská psychologická konference (nejen) pro doktorandy a o doktorandech [online]. Olomouc, 19.05.2014 – 20.05.2014. Olomouc : Universita Palackého, 2014, p. 263–270. Text in Czech. ISBN 978-80-244-4224-2. Available from:

DOLEŽEL, Michal. Studium vlivu behaviorálních a sociálních faktorů v organizačních procesech řízení kvality softwaru a dodávek informačních systémů [Behavioral and social factors in organizational IT processes: examination of their influence on software quality management and information systems deliveries]. In: Sborník prací vědeckého semináře doktorského studia FIS VŠE [CD]. Praha, 13.02.2014. Praha : Oeconomica, 2014, p. 16–27. Text in Czech. ISBN 978-80-245-2010-0.

Book sections in English

DOLEŽEL, Michal, BUCHALCEVOVÁ, Alena. A Framework for Analyzing Structural Mechanisms Deployed to Support Traditional and Agile Methods: Making Sense of „Democratization” in the Software Development Workplace. In: Balancing Agile and Disciplined Engineering and Management Approaches for IT Services and Software Products [online]. Hershey : IGI Global, 2021, s. 205–227. 354 s. ISBN 978-17-9985-379-4. eISSN 2327-3461. ISSN 2327-3453. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4165-4.ch011. Link.

Book sections in Czech

DOLEŽEL, Michal. Outsourcing a další strategie dodávky testování [Outsourcing and other testing delivery strategies]. In: Efektivní testování softwaru. Klíčové otázky pro efektivitu testovacího procesu. Praha : Grada Publishing, a.s, 2016, p. 203–220. 229 p. Text in Czech. ISBN 978-80-247-5594-6.

DOLEŽEL, Michal. Role testování ve firmě a v projektu [The role of testing in the enterprise and project]. In: Efektivní testování softwaru. Klíčové otázky pro efektivitu testovacího procesu. Praha : Grada Publishing, a.s, 2016, p. 23–38. 229 p. Text in Czech. ISBN 978-80-247-5594-6.

Other publications in English and Czech

DOLEŽEL, Michal. Leading and transforming enterprise test organizations towards an "agile future". ECIS 2017 Workshop for Practitioner Researchers, Guimares, Portugal.

DOLEŽEL, Michal. Software Quality Management in Outsourced Information Systems Development Projects: Governance Framework and Organizational Barriers of its Implementation. ECIS 2014 Doctoral Consortium, Ben Gurion University - Sde Boker, Israel.

DOLEŽEL, Michal. Dvacátá pátá evropská konference o informačních systémech (ECIS 2017) [The 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2017)]. Acta Informatica Pragensia [online]. 2017, vol. 6, no. 2, p. 230–235. Text in Czech. eISSN 1805-4951. DOI: 10.18267/j.aip.110. Available also from:

Editorial works

Acta Informatica Pragensia

Selected talks for practitioners

PULLEN, T., DOLEŽEL, Michal. Agile testers' identity and TCoE transformation journey in a regulated industry. 19th International Conference on Agile Software Development (XP), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 24.5.2016-27.5.2016.