Solution of the data mining task 'Task1confidence'

This documenten contains automatically generated description of a data mining task.

Task Metadata
Task Name: Task1confidence
Group of Tasks: Default group of tasks
Data Matrix: Oaei10all
Number of found 4ft Association Rules: 29
Number of verified patterns: 87
Start of task: 24.11.2010 10:53:37
Task duration: 0h 0m 3s
Handling of missing values: Delete
Include antecedent extensions of all implications: Yes
Include succedent extension of 100% implications: Delete
Prime rule test for implications enabled: No
Prime rule test including minimal length check: Yes
Include both symetric hypotheses: Yes
Software system: LISp-Miner
Version: 14.07.01 of 18 Nov 2010
Author: PowerUser
Notice: -


  1. Analysed data description
    1. measure
    2. result
    3. system
  2. Created attributes
    1. Measure
    2. Result
    3. System
  3. Task Description
  4. Found 4ft Association Rules
    1. Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4)) ::: Result(-)
    2. Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4)) ::: Result(&)
    3. Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4)) & System(asmov) ::: Result(&)
    4. Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4)) & System(sobom) ::: Result(-)
    5. Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4)) & System(sobom) ::: Result(&)
    6. Measure(<0.4;0.8)) ::: Result(-)
    7. Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(agrmaker) ::: Result(&)
    8. Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(aroma) ::: Result(-)
    9. Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(asmov) ::: Result(+)
    10. Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(ef2match) ::: Result(&)
    11. Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(falcon) ::: Result(&)
    12. Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(sobom) ::: Result(+)
    13. Measure(<0.8;1.0)) ::: Result(+)
    14. Measure(<0.8;1.0)) & System(ef2match) ::: Result(&)
    15. Measure(<0.8;1.0)) & System(falcon) ::: Result(+)
    16. Measure(<0.8;1.0)) & System(germesmb) ::: Result(-)
    17. Measure(<1.0;1.0>) ::: Result(+)
    18. Measure(<1.0;1.0>) & System(agrmaker) ::: Result(+)
    19. Measure(<1.0;1.0>) & System(codi) ::: Result(+)
    20. Measure(<1.0;1.0>) & System(ef2match) ::: Result(+)
    21. System(agrmaker) ::: Result(+)
    22. System(aroma) ::: Result(-)
    23. System(asmov) ::: Result(&)
    24. System(codi) ::: Result(+)
    25. System(ef2match) ::: Result(+)
    26. System(falcon) ::: Result(+)
    27. System(germesmb) ::: Result(-)
    28. System(sobom) ::: Result(-)
    29. System(sobom) ::: Result(&)

Analysed data description

Data matrix: Oaei10all
Number of records in data matrix: 16521

Table: data description
Data matrix columns
Column name Data type Attribute type Cardinality
measure Float Ordinary DB field Cardinal
result String Ordinary DB field Nominal
system String Ordinary DB field Nominal

Created attributes

There were created attributes based on data matrix columns. This attributes will be used in task description.

Content (list of attributes)

  1. Measure
  2. Result
  3. System

Number of created attributes: 3

Table: attribute Measure
Attribute Measure based on column measure
Category Type Bool Values +NULL? Frequency XCat? Notice
<0.0008865248;0.4) Interval - <0.000887;0.4) No 4941 No -
<0.4;0.8) Interval - <0.4;0.8) No 4457 No -
<0.8;1.0) Interval - <0.8;1) No 3936 No -
<1.0;1.0> Interval - <1;1> No 3186 No -
Table: attribute Result
Attribute Result based on column result
Category Type Bool Values +NULL? Frequency XCat? Notice
- Enumeration - No 2151 No -
! Enumeration - No 118 No -
& Enumeration - No 10033 No -
+ Enumeration - No 4200 No -
i Enumeration - No 19 No -
Table: attribute System
Attribute System based on column system
Category Type Bool Values +NULL? Frequency XCat? Notice
agrmaker Enumeration - agrmaker  No 1893 No -
aroma Enumeration - aroma  No 1892 No -
asmov Enumeration - asmov  No 3152 No -
codi Enumeration - codi  No 783 No -
ef2match Enumeration - ef2match  No 1778 No -
falcon Enumeration - falcon  No 1481 No -
germesmb Enumeration - germesmb  No 1957 No -
sobom Enumeration - sobom  No 3280 No -

Task Description

Task Name: Task1confidence

Table: used 4ft quantifiers
Quantifier Threshold Significance level
BASE 0.010000 N/A
Above Average Dependence 0.100000 N/A
Table: Antecedent -- partial cedents
Antecedent -- partial cedents
Partial cedent Conj/Disj MinLen MaxLen
Antecedent Conjunction 0 99
Table: Antecedent -- Literals
Table: Antecedent -- Literals
Partial Cedent Literal Attribute Column Gace Coefficient EqClass MinLen MaxLen
Antecedent Measure (subset), 1 - 1 Measure measure Basic Subset NULL 1 1
Antecedent System (subset), 1 - 1 System system Basic Subset NULL 1 1
Table: Succedent -- partial cedents
Succedent -- partial cedents
Partial cedent Conj/Disj MinLen MaxLen
Succedent Conjunction 1 99
Table: Succedent -- Literals
Table: Succedent -- Literals
Partial Cedent Literal Attribute Column Gace Coefficient EqClass MinLen MaxLen
Succedent Result (subset), 1 - 1 Result result Basic Subset NULL 1 1
Table: Condition -- partial cedents
Condition -- partial cedents
Partial cedent Conj/Disj MinLen MaxLen
Condition Conjunction 0 99
Table: Condition -- Literals
Table: Condition -- Literals
Partial Cedent Literal.Name Attribute Column Gace Coefficient EqClass MinLen MaxLen

Found 4ft Association Rules

Found 4ft Association Rules concerns following data matrix columns: measure  result  system 

Number of found 4ft association rules: 29

Content (list of rules)

  1. Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4)) ::: Result(-)
  2. Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4)) ::: Result(&)
  3. Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4)) & System(asmov) ::: Result(&)
  4. Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4)) & System(sobom) ::: Result(-)
  5. Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4)) & System(sobom) ::: Result(&)
  6. Measure(<0.4;0.8)) ::: Result(-)
  7. Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(agrmaker) ::: Result(&)
  8. Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(aroma) ::: Result(-)
  9. Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(asmov) ::: Result(+)
  10. Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(ef2match) ::: Result(&)
  11. Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(falcon) ::: Result(&)
  12. Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(sobom) ::: Result(+)
  13. Measure(<0.8;1.0)) ::: Result(+)
  14. Measure(<0.8;1.0)) & System(ef2match) ::: Result(&)
  15. Measure(<0.8;1.0)) & System(falcon) ::: Result(+)
  16. Measure(<0.8;1.0)) & System(germesmb) ::: Result(-)
  17. Measure(<1.0;1.0>) ::: Result(+)
  18. Measure(<1.0;1.0>) & System(agrmaker) ::: Result(+)
  19. Measure(<1.0;1.0>) & System(codi) ::: Result(+)
  20. Measure(<1.0;1.0>) & System(ef2match) ::: Result(+)
  21. System(agrmaker) ::: Result(+)
  22. System(aroma) ::: Result(-)
  23. System(asmov) ::: Result(&)
  24. System(codi) ::: Result(+)
  25. System(ef2match) ::: Result(+)
  26. System(falcon) ::: Result(+)
  27. System(germesmb) ::: Result(-)
  28. System(sobom) ::: Result(-)
  29. System(sobom) ::: Result(&)


Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4)) ::: Result(-)

Antecedent: Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4))
Succedent: Result(-)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 781 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 4160 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 1370 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 10210 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 4941 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.158065169 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.1237521787 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.6652744991 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0472731675 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.3630869363 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.2140374974 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 48.3399277382 Chi-square test
bMean 0.1582035201 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.1582035201 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0051900602 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 781 4160
¬Antecedent 1370 10210


Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4)) ::: Result(&)

Antecedent: Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4))
Succedent: Result(&)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 3651 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 1290 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 6382 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 5198 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 4941 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.7389192471 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.3224410492 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.5356213304 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.2209914654 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.3638991329 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.2167532026 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 512.1458321686 Chi-square test
bMean 0.7388225774 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.7388225774 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0062473907 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 3651 1290
¬Antecedent 6382 5198


Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4)) & System(asmov) ::: Result(&)

Antecedent: Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4)) & System(asmov)
Succedent: Result(&)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 1932 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 745 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 8101 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 5743 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 2677 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.7217033993 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.179254036 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.4645602566 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.1169420737 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.192564537 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.1884044513 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 175.3579265496 Chi-square test
bMean 0.7215378873 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.7215378873 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0086585512 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 1932 745
¬Antecedent 8101 5743


Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4)) & System(sobom) ::: Result(-)

Antecedent: Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4)) & System(sobom)
Succedent: Result(-)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 402 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 1849 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 1749 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 12521 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 2251 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.1785872945 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.1005 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.7822165728 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0243326675 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.1868898187 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.3716600154 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 53.884415505 Chi-square test
bMean 0.1788726143 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.1788726143 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0080723548 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 402 1849
¬Antecedent 1749 12521


Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4)) & System(sobom) ::: Result(&)

Antecedent: Measure(<0.0008865248;0.4)) & System(sobom)
Succedent: Result(&)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 1710 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 541 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 8323 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 5947 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 2251 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.7596623723 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.1617174201 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.4634707342 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.1035046305 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.1704375561 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.2509102016 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 253.7140177899 Chi-square test
bMean 0.7594318686 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.7594318686 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0090029845 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 1710 541
¬Antecedent 8323 5947


Measure(<0.4;0.8)) ::: Result(-)

Antecedent: Measure(<0.4;0.8))
Succedent: Result(-)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 654 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 3803 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 1497 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 10567 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 4457 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.1467354723 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.1098421229 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.6791961746 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0395859815 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.3040446304 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.1270184741 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0.0000796756 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 14.7402571862 Chi-square test
bMean 0.1468939224 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.1468939224 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0053007339 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 654 3803
¬Antecedent 1497 10567


Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(agrmaker) ::: Result(&)

Antecedent: Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(agrmaker)
Succedent: Result(&)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 624 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 221 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 9409 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 6267 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 845 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.7384615385 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.0608543008 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.4171055021 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0377701108 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.0621947573 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.2159995093 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 64.2515021383 Chi-square test
bMean 0.7378984652 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.7378984652 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0151020241 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 624 221
¬Antecedent 9409 6267


Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(aroma) ::: Result(-)

Antecedent: Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(aroma)
Succedent: Result(-)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 222 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 1199 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 1929 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 13171 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 1421 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.1562280084 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.0662686567 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.810665214 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0134374433 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.1032078103 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.199926977 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0.0016059241 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 9.3020764103 Chi-square test
bMean 0.1567111736 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.1567111736 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0096334791 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 222 1199
¬Antecedent 1929 13171


Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(asmov) ::: Result(+)

Antecedent: Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(asmov)
Succedent: Result(+)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 181 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 264 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 4019 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 12057 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 445 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.406741573 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.040546595 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.7407541916 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0109557533 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.0430952381 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.5999470305 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 56.1109334581 Chi-square test
bMean 0.4071588367 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.4071588367 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0232119754 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 181 264
¬Antecedent 4019 12057


Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(ef2match) ::: Result(&)

Antecedent: Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(ef2match)
Succedent: Result(&)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 193 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 87 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 9840 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 6401 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 280 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.6892857143 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.0190711462 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.3991283821 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0116821016 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.0192365195 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.1350233515 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 0.9999999998 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0.0024976018 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 8.0300700654 Chi-square test
bMean 0.6879432624 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.6879432624 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0275422791 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 193 87
¬Antecedent 9840 6401


Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(falcon) ::: Result(&)

Antecedent: Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(falcon)
Succedent: Result(&)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 228 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 81 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 9805 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 6407 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 309 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.7378640777 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.0225430097 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.401610072 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0138006174 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.0227250075 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.2150156909 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 0.9999999998 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0.0000007732 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 22.5122288361 Chi-square test
bMean 0.7363344051 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.7363344051 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0249451995 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 228 81
¬Antecedent 9805 6407


Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(sobom) ::: Result(+)

Antecedent: Measure(<0.4;0.8)) & System(sobom)
Succedent: Result(+)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 398 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 630 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 3802 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 11691 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 1028 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.3871595331 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.0824016563 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.7317353671 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0240905514 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.0947619048 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.5229196776 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 102.1803126749 Chi-square test
bMean 0.3873786408 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.3873786408 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0151717113 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 398 630
¬Antecedent 3802 11691


Measure(<0.8;1.0)) ::: Result(+)

Antecedent: Measure(<0.8;1.0))
Succedent: Result(+)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 1120 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 2816 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 3080 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 9505 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 3936 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.2845528455 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.1596351197 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.6431208765 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0677925065 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.2666666667 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.1193089431 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0.0000003781 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 25.0719163913 Chi-square test
bMean 0.2846622651 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.2846622651 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0071899774 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 1120 2816
¬Antecedent 3080 9505


Measure(<0.8;1.0)) & System(ef2match) ::: Result(&)

Antecedent: Measure(<0.8;1.0)) & System(ef2match)
Succedent: Result(&)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 180 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 82 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 9853 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 6406 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 262 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.6870229008 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.0177953534 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.3986441499 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0108952243 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.0179407954 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.1312972534 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 0.9999999998 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0.0042492389 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 7.0970039183 Chi-square test
bMean 0.6856060606 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.6856060606 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.028520128 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 180 82
¬Antecedent 9853 6406


Measure(<0.8;1.0)) & System(falcon) ::: Result(+)

Antecedent: Measure(<0.8;1.0)) & System(falcon)
Succedent: Result(+)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 450 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 709 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 3750 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 11612 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 1159 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.3882657463 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.0916683642 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.7301010835 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0272380607 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.1071428571 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.5272710465 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 118.1253714539 Chi-square test
bMean 0.3884582257 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.3884582257 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0142982261 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 450 709
¬Antecedent 3750 11612


Measure(<0.8;1.0)) & System(germesmb) ::: Result(-)

Antecedent: Measure(<0.8;1.0)) & System(germesmb)
Succedent: Result(-)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 286 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 1501 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 1865 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 12869 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 1787 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.1600447678 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.078313253 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.7962593063 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0173113008 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.1329614133 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.2292420308 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0.0000618137 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 15.7620374385 Chi-square test
bMean 0.1604248183 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.1604248183 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0086743923 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 286 1501
¬Antecedent 1865 12869


Measure(<1.0;1.0>) ::: Result(+)

Antecedent: Measure(<1.0;1.0>)
Succedent: Result(+)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 1621 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 1565 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 2579 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 10756 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 3186 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.5087884495 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.2811795317 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.7491677259 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0981175474 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.385952381 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 1.001355708 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 1349.1777518424 Chi-square test
bMean 0.508782936 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.508782936 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0088526997 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 1621 1565
¬Antecedent 2579 10756


Measure(<1.0;1.0>) & System(agrmaker) ::: Result(+)

Antecedent: Measure(<1.0;1.0>) & System(agrmaker)
Succedent: Result(+)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 398 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 406 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 3802 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 11915 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 804 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.4950248756 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.0864090317 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.7452938684 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0240905514 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.0947619048 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.9472157072 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 258.478153084 Chi-square test
bMean 0.4950372208 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.4950372208 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0175999666 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 398 406
¬Antecedent 3802 11915


Measure(<1.0;1.0>) & System(codi) ::: Result(+)

Antecedent: Measure(<1.0;1.0>) & System(codi)
Succedent: Result(+)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 399 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 384 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 3801 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 11937 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 783 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.5095785441 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.0870418848 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.746686036 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0241510804 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.095 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 1.0044636015 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 282.6964097866 Chi-square test
bMean 0.5095541401 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.5095541401 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0178311532 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 399 384
¬Antecedent 3801 11937


Measure(<1.0;1.0>) & System(ef2match) ::: Result(+)

Antecedent: Measure(<1.0;1.0>) & System(ef2match)
Succedent: Result(+)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 483 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 753 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 3717 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 11568 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 1236 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.390776699 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.0975166566 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.7294352642 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0292355184 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.115 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.5371480583 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 131.3955665931 Chi-square test
bMean 0.3909531502 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.3909531502 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0138628351 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 483 753
¬Antecedent 3717 11568


System(agrmaker) ::: Result(+)

Antecedent: System(agrmaker)
Succedent: Result(+)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 541 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 1352 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 3659 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 10969 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 1893 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.2857897517 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.0974423631 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.6966890624 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0327462018 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.1288095238 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.1241744019 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0.0004993087 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 11.2374941908 Chi-square test
bMean 0.2860158311 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.2860158311 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0103781552 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 541 1352
¬Antecedent 3659 10969


System(aroma) ::: Result(-)

Antecedent: System(aroma)
Succedent: Result(-)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 292 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 1600 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 1859 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 12770 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 1892 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.1543340381 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.0778459078 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.7906301071 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0176744749 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.1357508136 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.1853801221 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0.0006474088 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 10.9913944438 Chi-square test
bMean 0.1546990496 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.1546990496 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0083070131 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 292 1600
¬Antecedent 1859 12770


System(asmov) ::: Result(&)

Antecedent: System(asmov)
Succedent: Result(&)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 2149 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 1003 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 7884 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 5485 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 3152 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.6817893401 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.1947263501 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.4620785667 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.1300768719 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.2141931626 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.122679327 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 90.6538718132 Chi-square test
bMean 0.6816740647 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.6816740647 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0082932492 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 2149 1003
¬Antecedent 7884 5485


System(codi) ::: Result(+)

Antecedent: System(codi)
Succedent: Result(+)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 399 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 384 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 3801 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 11937 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 783 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.5095785441 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.0870418848 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.746686036 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0241510804 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.095 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 1.0044636015 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 282.6964097866 Chi-square test
bMean 0.5095541401 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.5095541401 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0178311532 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 399 384
¬Antecedent 3801 11937


System(ef2match) ::: Result(+)

Antecedent: System(ef2match)
Succedent: Result(+)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 526 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 1252 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 3674 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 11069 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 1778 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.2958380202 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.0964783566 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.7018340294 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0318382664 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.1252380952 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.1636999839 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0.0000145893 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 18.2004794522 Chi-square test
bMean 0.2960674157 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.2960674157 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0108175492 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 526 1252
¬Antecedent 3674 11069


System(falcon) ::: Result(+)

Antecedent: System(falcon)
Succedent: Result(+)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 491 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 990 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 3709 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 11331 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 1481 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.3315327481 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.0946050096 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.7155741178 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0297197506 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.1169047619 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.3041077457 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 51.2863568826 Chi-square test
bMean 0.3317599461 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.3317599461 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0122225346 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 491 990
¬Antecedent 3709 11331


System(germesmb) ::: Result(-)

Antecedent: System(germesmb)
Succedent: Result(-)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 334 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 1623 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 1817 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 12747 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 1957 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.1706693919 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.088500265 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.7917801586 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0202166939 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.1552766155 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.3108456643 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0.0000000252 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 32.1084807817 Chi-square test
bMean 0.1710056151 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.1710056151 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0085045814 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 334 1623
¬Antecedent 1817 12747


System(sobom) ::: Result(-)

Antecedent: System(sobom)
Succedent: Result(-)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 502 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 2778 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 1649 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 11592 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 3280 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.1530487805 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.1018462163 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.7320380122 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.0303855699 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.2333798233 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.1755085553 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0.0000109172 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 18.8699006778 Chi-square test
bMean 0.1532602072 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.1532602072 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0062871562 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 502 2778
¬Antecedent 1649 11592


System(sobom) ::: Result(&)

Antecedent: System(sobom)
Succedent: Result(&)

Quantifier Values
Quantifier Value Description
a 2229 a-frequency from the contingency table
b 1051 b-frequency from the contingency table
c 7804 c-frequency from the contingency table
d 5437 d-frequency from the contingency table
r 3280 r-frequency (a+b) from the contingency table
n 16521 n-frequency (a+b+c+d) from the contingency table
Conf 0.6795731707 Confidence (validity): a/(a+b)
DConf 0.2011006857 D-Confidence: a/(a+b+c)
EConf 0.4640154954 E-Confidence: (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
Supp 0.1349191938 Support: a/(a+b+c+d)
Cmplt 0.2221668494 Completeness: a/(a+c)
AvgDf 0.1190300362 Average difference: a(a+b+c+d)/((a+b)(a+c))- 1
LBound 1 Lower bound implication (p=0.9)
UBound 0 Upper bound implication (p=0.9)
ELBound 0.9999999999 Lower bound equivalence (p=0.9)
EUBound 0 Upper bound equivalence (p=0.9)
DLBound 1 Lower bound double implication (p=0.9)
DUBound 0 Upper bound double implication (p=0.9)
Fisher 0 Fisher test
Chi-Sq 89.6649048764 Chi-square test
bMean 0.6794637416 Bayesian Mean
bVAR 0.6794637416 Bayesian Variance
bStDev 0.0081449099 Bayesian std. deviation
P(>=90%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.9)
P(>=95%) 0 Bayesian Beta PDF integral (p=0.95)
4ft Contingency Table
Succedent ¬Succedent
Antecedent 2229 1051
¬Antecedent 7804 5437